The leg from Hancock to Mifflintown was too far for my bladder. And there are no public airports on the way. Finally, it was too much. I needed to land and pee. So I picked this stubble corn field whose main attraction was that it was far from the farmhouse. It was a mistake. I did check for power lines and ditches, but I didn't understand how rough the field was or how 9-inch corn stubble would chip my wheel fairings. That cost me $450 to fix later.
This raises the topic of what makes a good field for landing out. Forest? Deadly. Corn? Almost as bad. Soybeans? Full-grown, they're about 2 feet high. Not good. You certainly won't be flying out again. Freshly-plowed field?
Been there, done that, and survived the crash. Golf course? Fine except for the risk of killing somebody, so no. Roads almost always have power lines across them and sleepy drivers on them. If the drivers aren't watching for motorcycles (as the bikers swear they aren't), they certainly aren't watching out for trikes. The best fields are hay fields after mowing. I should have found one of those.