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Created 20-Jul-08
Modified 18-Sep-23
Visitors 242
35 photos
Hugh and Steve took their trike on a shakedown trip to Green Landings, WV, to practice trailering, setup, and flying. April 21, 2007

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N42AT on the ramp at Front Royal, Virgina"Experimental""N42AT"Have Trike, Will TravelTakeoff at Green Landings, an "airport community" north of Martinsburg, WVGlovesTake Off!InstrumentsCliffs along the PotomacFort Frederick, MD on the north shore of the PotomacPotomac River looking north. C&O canal at rightThe view straight down is superb!Deserted airport at Hancock, MDEmpty CSX coal train heading back to the minesHancock, MD, looking north